Pause and Effect
2 min read • 330 wordsI’m going to be completely honest…I don’t like working out.
Yet, working out is something I need to do not only to help improve my phsyical fitness, but also my mental fitness. Both lead down the road to improved overall wellness.
To say that this year started off a bit rough is an understatement. I’ve been dealing with a pinched nerve in my shoulder, which effects my right arm down to my hand. Thanks to the wonderful care of my chiropractor, it’s been improving significantly, but it’s still taking its time. This has affected my ability to work out using my arms. Considering most of my workout equipment (resistance bands, Bosu ball, Swiss balls) requires some use of the hands and arms, exercising has been short and painful.
I did start hitting the dreadmill a bit again, as well. Due to increased weight and lack of consistent exercise over an extended period of time, I’m finding myself winded quicker over much shorter distances. In my short workouts, I’ve yet to break the .75 mile mark. This is a long stretch from the guy who “ran” a marathon in 2016.
These things combined with other issues (some related to the pandemic) have set me back a bit mentally. I’m finding lower motivation in my life to exercise. I’ve checked in with my accountability group, and they’re great at pushing me, but it’s when I push back that’s the problem. We’re all struggling in one way or another, so I know I’m not alone. I just need to start allowing their pushing to knock me down to the point where I want to get back up on my own.
Like I said in the beginning, I’m going to be open about stuff, so here I am laying it out. Want to help me be accountable? Want to help me be motivated? Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter, hit me up on Telegram, or find me on other social media.